21 Kasım 2012 Çarşamba

Fire Department Uses Risk Assessment for Emergency Response Criteria, Cutting Types of Responses So As Not To Over Expose the Firefighters And the Trucks to Risk…Who Let This Geek Out of His Room?

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And we wonder why people are not as helpful as they used to be!  Firefighters don’t care for it if you read the article.  This is the work of bean counters and over working data if you will.  Real story here is that they had to lay people off so this is the story and services offered to somehow justify those actions, and it stinks, written like a true bean counter data geek. 

There is an out though if one absolutely insists and I guess is hanging on to dear life.  I can understand some of this but give me imagea frigging break relative to the part of the risk assessment of the employees and endangering the public every time a call is made…again bean counter and over worked algorithms here with a lack of humanism obviously as you read this.  Sure the calls will be reduced but other fire departments have more of a humanistic approach and are increasing their services…so what the heck and who let this bean counter out to talk to this reporter with trying to sell risk assessment here with endangering the firefighters, truck and public with them being exposed by being on the street if needed…someone got duped with this explanation.  BD

Attack of the Killer Algorithms – “Algo Duping 101″

Emergency medical calls eliminated from the list requiring automatic response from fire division:

Allergic reactions/stings, bites

Chest pains (non-traumatic)


Diabetic problems

Heat/cold exposure

Overdose/poisoning (ingestion)



*Traffic/transportation incidents

Unconscious/fainting (near)

Unknown problems (man down)

DANVILLE — As of Oct. 1, the Danville Fire Department does not automatically respond to certain medical emergencies, like allergic reactions, chest pains and diabetic problems, but the new policy concerns members of the firefighter's union.

It is troubling to the Associated Firefighters of Illinois, according to association President Pat Devaney. Speaking on behalf of Danville members of the association, Devaney said most communities are finding ways to offer additional, or a higher level of, emergency medical services rather than reducing them. He said firefighters and fire stations are strategically located, so they can respond more quickly than ambulances.

"It's something we (association members) don't view favorably, nor should the citizens of Danville, in my opinion," said Devaney, who is also a lieutenant with the Champaign Fire Department.

Thomason said the reasons for the policy change are safety of fire personnel, safety of the public and preservation of fire equipment. He said the policy would reduce the department's number of calls by 50 percent.

"Every time one of those engines goes out, it's subject to an accident," said Thomason, adding that an accident puts fire personnel and the public at risk of injury and equipment and other property at risk of damage.

"If a call requires resources beyond our capabilities, then putting the safety of our personnel, the safety of the public and the protection of our resources at risk is inappropriate," he said.

Devaney said other communities that have increased the medical level of their fire departments have gone to providing an intermediate level of medical service or advanced life support engines, especially as the population is aging.

He said it's rare for communities to consider scaling back on the number of types of EMS calls to which they respond. Devaney said he also questions whether it will always be obvious from the 911 call whether a situation truly is life-threatening. Doing that type of screening over the phone, he said, callers might not be able to adequately explain their condition.


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