30 Kasım 2012 Cuma

August is National Immunization Awareness Month

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While immunization awareness is important all throughout the year, August is typically designated as National Immunization Awareness Month.  This is the time of year when parents prepare for their children’s return to school, students are heading off to college, and healthcare workers turn their attention to the upcoming flu season.  Therefore, it’s a critical time to ensure we are up-to-date with our recommended immunizations.

It is important to have everyone vaccinated, especially children and older adults, in order to ensure healthy lives. 

Here are some recommendations and tips on the importance of immunization that will Make A Difference (M.A.D.):

1. The purpose of Immunization Awareness Month in August is to promote the benefits of immunization; check with your family, both young and old, to make sure everyone is immunized.

2. Create a chart to track the immunizations of all family members including children, parents and grandparents; check it annually.

3. Organize a health fair in your community for screenings, immunizations and bone marrow donor tests!

4. Check out the CDC website or contact your local Passport Health for tips and recommendations.

Thanks to the Immunization Action Coalition and The Huffington Post for info for this article

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