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While politicians say President Obama's health-care reform is not popular in Kentucky, polls show that nine out of 10 adult Kentuckians favor its goals, the president of the Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky noted after the law passed its final court test.
"Thursday's Supreme Court decision affirms the constitutionality of the Affordable Care law and moves the United States and Kentucky children and adults one step closer to assured access to affordable insurance and care," Susan Zepeda said. "Our Kentucky Health Issues Poll found that regardless of their views on the Affordable Care law, the vast majority . . . of Kentuckians believe that all Americans should have access to affordable, quality health care." She said Kentuckians "expressed strong support for key provisions of the law already in effect: tax breaks for small employers, no co-pay on key preventive services, access to insurance for children with pre-existing health problems."
Looking forward, "Kentucky leaders need to be sure our residents are aware of the provisions of this law," Zepeda said. "As individuals and as a state, we need to take advantage of opportunities and resources the law makes available, even as we continue to work to improve access to quality care throughout Kentucky. The Foundation stands committed to addressing the unmet health care needs of Kentuckians, informing health policy and investing in communities, to increase access to care, decrease health disparities, and advance health equity in the Commonwealth." (Read more)
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