7 Temmuz 2012 Cumartesi

The Health Liberty Revolution & Forced Vaccination

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“America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.” – Abraham Lincoln
by Barbara Loe Fisher
In America today, there is an unprecedented assault on the human right to exercise informed consent to medical risk-taking. It is being led by one of the most powerful and wealthy corporate empires in the world: the global pharmaceutical industry.
What is at stake for Big Pharma is a one trillion dollar market for prescription drugs and vaccines.[1] What is at stake for the American people is our health and our liberty.
Pharma’s Lucrative Monopoly on U.S. Health Care
For more than a century, pharmaceutical corporations have created a lucrative monopoly on health care in America. They have done this by forging an alliance with a select group of medical doctors and scientists inside and outside of government, who develop and promote widespread drug and vaccine use. Doctors in private practice, who are encouraged to deliver drugs and vaccines to the people, have become - perhapwithout even realizing it - de facto drug company sales reps.[2]
Americans Consume 40% of All Pharmaceuticals Sold
Americans, who represent about 5 percent of the world’s population,[3] [4] are the most highly vaccinated[5] [6] and drugged population on the planet.[7] [8] We consume nearly 40 percent of all pharmaceutical products sold.[9] In 2009, doctors ordered 4 billion prescriptions for Americans,[10] which is one big reason why annual health care costs are nearly $3 trillion dollars in the U.S.[11] Half of all Americans, including 25 percent of our children take one or more prescription drugs.[12]
Today American Children Get 3 Times As Many Vaccinations
Today, our children are being given three times as many vaccinations as they got in the early 1980’s. [13] [14] [15] Three times as many vaccinations means three times as much profit for drug companies and doctors selling vaccines.
The base cost for a child to get every government recommended vaccine in a private pediatrician’s office has increased from $80 per child in 1986[16] to a whopping $2200 per child in 2011,[17] and that doesn’t include physician office administration fees. The federal government now spends nearly $4 billion dollars per year to purchase vaccines for public health clinics,[18] where half of America’s children are vaccinated.
Pharma Growing $36 Billion Vaccine Market
It is no surprise that vaccine development is one of the fastest growing sectors in the pharmaceutical industry.[19] By 2013, Pharma will enjoy a $36 billion dollar vaccine market.[20]
Eight Big Drug Corporations Selling Vaccines Get Total Liability Shield
In 1986, there were three major drug corporations selling vaccines in the U.S. (Merck, Lederle, Connaught) and now there are eight (Merck, Pfizer, Sanofi Pasteur, GlaxoSmithKline, Novartis, Astra Zeneca, CSL Biotherapies, Emergent BioSolutions). That is because, in 1986, Pharma blackmailed Congress into giving them partial liability protection from vaccine injury lawsuits[21]by suggesting they would have to abandon the U.S. childhood vaccine market without a liability shield.
In February of this year, drug companies got what they wanted all along: the U.S. Supreme Court gave Pharma total immunity from lawsuits – even if they could have made a vaccine less harmful. [22] [23] Vaccines, said the Court, are “unavoidably unsafe.”
So if your child is brain injured by a vaccine that you may not have wanted your child to get in the first place, all you can do is file a claim in the federal vaccine injury compensation program. Even though the program has awarded more than $2 billion dollars to vaccine victims, two out of three plaintiffs are turned away empty handed.[24]
No Liability, No Accountability, No Checks & Balances on Vaccine Safety
With no liability or accountability for those making, licensing, selling and giving vaccines in America, there are no checks and balances to ensure that vaccines are safe and effective. Doctors, who have been taught to believe that infectious microorganisms should be eradicated from the earth with the mandatory use of multiple vaccines, are as ripe for exploitation as the people they vaccinate.
Big Pharma Does Not Want You to Have Vaccine Freedom of Choice
The only barrier left to unlimited vaccine profit-making is the freedom for Americans to choose whether or not to use every new vaccine Pharma creates and wants mandated. Freedom of choice is something Big Pharma and the medical lobby does not want you to have.
They know that many educated consumers in America and around the world are dissatisfied with the old pharmaceutical-based health care paradigm.[25] [26] [27] They know that 63% of all Americans, including 76% of health care workers, are empowering themselves with information and choosing less toxic, less expensive, more naturally effective ways to achieve and maintain health.[28]
Today, millions of Americans are choosing to buy and eat organic[29] [30] and avoid genetically modified foods.[31] [32] We are choosing to buy and drink pure water with no chemicals in it. [33] We are choosing mercury-free dental fillings.[34] We are choosing exercise and meditation. We are choosing drug free, hospital free births[35] and breastfeeding. We are throwing away the bottles of prescription drugs in our medicine cabinet and choosing to get advice from holistic health professionals offering less toxic alternatives to stay well like acupuncture, chiropractic, homeopathy, and naturopathy.[36]
And we are questioning why we and our children should be required to get a long list of expensive vaccines that carry serious risks[37] and sometimes don’t work at all.[38]
This is a health liberty revolution and Pharma knows it.
So Pharma is funding medical organizations profiting from mass vaccination policies[39] to press politicians into quickly passing laws that force Americans to buy and use dozens of doses of vaccines. [40] The goal is to demand that everyone salute smartly and obey doctors’ orders to get vaccinated or be barred from getting an education,[41] health insurance,[42] medical care[43] [44] or a job. [45] The goal is to, in effect, brand unvaccinated citizens as enemies of the state,[46] [47] so they can be fined or imprisoned.
Can this really be happening in America? Yes, it can.
Doctors Threatening People & Taking Away Vaccine Exemptions
In 2007, we witnessed physician public health officials summon nearly 1,000 parents with their children to a Maryland courthouse policed by armed guards and dogs to show proof the children had gotten chickenpox and hepatitis b shots.[48] Parents were threatened with stiff fines and jail time if they did not comply.
Last spring in Washington state, medical organizations joined with Pharma lobbyists to pressure politicians to pass a law that requires parents to get the signature of a medical doctor or designated medical worker for a child to receive a non-medical exemption to vaccination.[49] What this means is that some citizens in society, who have M.D. or certain other medical initials written after their names, now have the power in Washington state to pass judgment on the conscientious or spiritually held beliefs of fellow citizens. It gives some citizens, who may be ideologically opposed to the informed consent ethic,[50] a green light to threaten and coerce other citizens into violating their conscience and personal beliefs.[51]
This expanded authority is added to the authority that medical doctors have had for a long time, which includes the power to refuse to grant a child a medical exemption to vaccination[52] [53] [54] [55] - even when the child has suffered a sudden and serious decline in health following previous vaccinations and could be more seriously harmed if additional vaccines are given.[56]
Colorado & California Citizens Losing Vaccine Choices
Right now, drug company and medical lobbyists are trying to put further legal restrictions on vaccine exemptions in Colorado [57]and other states.[58] In cash-strapped California, the Pharma-Med lobby is pushing for a law that will allow doctors to give minor children expensive new vaccines for sexually transmitted diseases – like Gardasil - without the informed consent of parents.[59]
Nobody Accountable for Vaccine Injuries & Deaths
But what happens if a vaccine given to a child without the parent’s consent ends up injuring or killing a child? Is anyone accountable?
No. Nobody is liable in a court of law to be tried before a jury of our peers when our children and grandchildren are injured or die after getting vaccinated – not the drug companies that made the vaccines; not the federal health officials, who licensed and recommend the vaccines; not the doctor or medical worker, who gave the vaccines; and not the state politician, who voted for vaccine mandates or looked the other way while state health officials added another new vaccine to the required list.
Nobody is held accountable or liable when a child is injured or killed by vaccines in America except the parent of that child, whose informed consent rights may have been violated by fellow citizens wielding power they should never have been given.
This is a health liberty revolution.
After 50 years of heavy prescription drug and vaccine use, Americans are waking up to the fact that they are not healthier, but are sicker than ever before. And they are asking a lot of questions.
More of us are wondering why doctors inside and outside of government are insisting that every child get 70 doses of 16 vaccines starting on the first day of life [60] and why that list includes expensive new vaccines for mild diseases, like chickenpox, and for diseases you can’t catch in a classroom, like hepatitis B.
More of us are asking why we have to get a flu shot every year [61] and why health care workers are losing their jobs if they don’t.[62]
More of us are looking at vaccine studies published in the medical literature, many of which are paid for by drug companies [63] or public health agencies promoting one-size-fits-all vaccine policies, only to discover that a lot of those studies are the best junk science that money can buy.
More of us are watching doctors paid by Pharma[64] [65] persuade journalists to demonize anyone asking questions about vaccination [66] so other people are afraid to speak up because they know they will be targeted for humiliation and persecution.
Why Are So Many of Our Highly Vaccinated Children So Sick?
But, mostly, we are asking why so many of our highly vaccinated children are so sick with no good explanation coming from the public health officials and doctors we have trusted with their health.
Today, 1 child in 6 in America is learning disabled;[67] 1 in 9 has asthma;[68] 1 in 10 is diagnosed with ADHD;[69] 1 in 110 develops autism;[70] [71] 1 in 450 becomes diabetic,[72] and millions more are suffering with severe allergies,[73] inflammatory bowel disorders,[74] crippling depression[75] and other kinds of brain and immune system dysfunction, while America’s infant mortality rate ranks among the worst of all developed nations: 6 out of 1,000 babies born live in America die before their first birthday.[76] [77]
New Vaccines Coming to Change Our DNA
Despite the reality that more vaccination does not equal better individual and public health, there are over 3,000 new vaccine clinical trials underway.[78] Pharma is creating genetically engineered vaccines, which will ramp up the manipulation of our immune systems[79] and even change our DNA,[80] [81] to prevent everything from tooth decay, [82] acne [83] and smoking[84] to high blood pressure,[85] herpes,[86] gonorrhea[87] and HIV/AIDS.[88]
It is time for all of us to stand up and end our participation in the failed Pharma-based health care paradigm so we can take back our health and our liberty.
If vaccines are safe and effective for everyone, then those, who choose to get vaccinated, should have nothing to fear from those, who choose not to get vaccinated. If vaccines are not safe and effective for everyone, then it is unethical to require anyone to get vaccinated without their voluntary, informed consent.
The human right to protect bodily integrity trumps any authority the state gives to some citizens to coerce other citizens into taking medical risks against their will. Because if the state can tag, track down and force individuals to be injected with biologicals of known and unknown toxicity today, then there will be no limit on which individual freedoms the state can take away in the name of the greater good tomorrow.
Please go to www.NVIC.org and volunteer to work in your state to defend vaccine exemptions. Empower yourself and stand up for liberty today.
It’s your health. Your family. Your choice.

[1] VFA (Association of Research-Based Pharmaceutical Companies) – Germany. Statistics: The Global Pharmaceutical Market. Apr. 14, 2010.[2] Weinberger J. America’s Top Selling Prescription Drugs. CNBC. May 23, 2011.[3] Rosenberg M. Current USA Population. About.com. July 21, 2011.[4] Liptak A. U.S. prison population dwarfs that of other nations. New York Times. Apr. 23, 2008.[5] IAC. State Immunization Mandates.[6] Miller NZ,, Goldman GS. Infant mortality rates regressed against number of vaccine doses routinely given: Is there a biological or synergistic toxicity?Human and Experimental Toxicology: Published online May 4, 2011.[7] Matthews AW. So Young and So Many Pills: More Than 25% of Kids and Teens in the U.S. Take Prescriptions on a Regular Basis. Wall Street Journal.Dec. 28, 2010. [8] CDC. Prescription Drug Use Continues to Increase: U.S. Prescription Drug Data for 2007-2008. NCHS Data Brief: Number 42. September 2010.[9] See Reference #1.[10] Van Arnum P. U.S. Prescription Drug Market Rebounds. Pharmaceutical Industry Sourcing and Management: Volume 6, Issue 4. PharmaTech.com. April 7, 2010.[11] Pickert K. The Unsustainable U.S. Health Care System. Time Magazine. Feb. 4, 2010.[12] See References #7 & 8.[13] CDC. Recommended Schedule for Immunization of Normal Infants & Children. 1983 (through 1986).[14] CDC. Recommended Immunization Schedule for Persons 0 through 6 Years. 2011[15] CDC. Recommended Immunization Schedule for Persons Aged 7 Through 18 Years. 2011.[16] CDC. Vaccine Price List – 1986.[17] CDC. Vaccine Price List – 2011.[18] Hamilton J. Rising costs complicate vaccine guidelines. NPR. July 20, 2011[19] Drug Discovery & Development. Vaccine Market A Refuge for Big Pharma. January 13, 2011.[20] Reuters. BCC Research Press Release: Global Market for Vaccines Worth $36.3 Billion by 2013. Technologies and Global Markets. Jan. 24, 2008[21] National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986(PL99-660).[22] Supreme Court of the United States. Russell Bruesewitz et al v. Wyeth et al. No. 09-152. Argued October 12, 2010 – Decided February 22, 2011[23] NVIC. Press Release: NVIC Cites “Betrayal” of Consumers by U.S. Supreme Court Giving Total Liability Shield to Big Pharma. Feb. 23, 2011.[24] HRSA. Vaccine Injury Compensation Program Statistics[25] C.S.Mott Children’s Hospital. National Poll on Children’s Health: Vaccine and Medication Safety Are Parents’ Top Research Priorities. University of Michigan Health Center. October 11, 2010.[26] Consumer Reports. Press Release: Two-Thirds of Americans Say Drug Makers Have Too Much Sway Over Doctors; Information About Safety and Side Effects Sorely Needed. Aug. 24, 2010.[27] Barnes PM, Bloom B. Complementary and Alternative Medicine Use Among Adults and Children: United States, 2007. National Health Statistics Reports 2008; No. 12. [28] Shalmali P. Complementary Medicine Popular with Healthcare Workers. MedPage Today. Aug. 19, 2011.[29] Dettman RL. Organic Produce: Who’s Eating It? A Demographic Profile of Organic Produce Consumers. Paper selected for presentation at the American Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting July 27-28, 2008.[30] Organic Trade Association. Consumer survey finds 41% of parents buying more organic foods than a year ago: US families are buying a wider variety of organic products than ever. Organic Trade Association December 8, 2010.[31] Organic Consumers Association.[32] Institute for Responsible Technology. [33] Fluoride Action Network.[34] Consumers for Dental Choice.[35] Doheny K. Home Births Jump 20 Percent in 4 Years: U.S. Report. HealthDay News. May 20, 2011[36] Eisenberg DM, Davis RB. Trends in Alternative Medicine use in the United States, 1990-1997. JAMA 1998; 280(18): 1569-1575[37] See Reference #24[38] Crowe K. Many whooping cough victims have been immunized; Experts Spar Over Prospects of New Disease Strain. Watchdog Institute. Dec. 13, 2010.[39] Attkisson S. How Independent Are Vaccine Defenders? CBS-TV News. July 25, 2008.[40] Fisher BL. WA & NJ Families Stand Up for Vaccine Choices. NVIC Vaccine E-News. Mar. 23, 2011.[41] See Reference #5.[42] NVIC. Testimonials. Cry for Vaccine Freedom Wall.[43] Walker E. Should Doctors Fire Young Patients if Their Parents Refuse to Vaccinate Them? MedPage Today. Oct. 29, 2009.[44] Allen J. Doctors Refuse to See Unvaccinated Children. 7 News (ABC-Denver). Feb. 27, 2011[45] Caplan A. Time to mandate influenza vaccination in health-care workers. The Lancet July 23, 2011; 378(9788): 310-311.[46] Sapatkin D. Considering vaccine as public responsibility. Philadelphia Inquirer.. June 24, 2011.[47] Ropeik D. Refusing vaccination? Risky behavior puts others in danger. Morning Sentinel (Maine). Aug. 20, 2011. [48] CNN News. Vaccinations…or Jail: County’s Threat to Parents. Nov. 17, 2007.[49] Fisher BL. WA State Vaccine Law Threatens Exemptions & Threatens Privacy. Feb. 13, 2011. Also see Reference #40.[50] Kleifgen B. Informed Consent in Vaccination. Vaccine Ethics.org. July 2010.[51] See References #42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48.[52] Title 64. Interpretive Rule, Department of Health & Human Resources: Immunization Requirements & Recommendations for New School Enterers. West Virginia. March 21, 2011.[53] Appeal of N.C. on behalf of her daughter, V.C. from action of the New York City Department of Education regarding immunization. Decision No. 16, 172. November 30, 2010.[54] Salmon D. Mandatory Immunizations and the Role of Medical, Religious and Philosophical Exemptions. Unpublished Commentary. August 2002.[55] Knight A. Religious Exemption to North Carolina’s Childhood Immunization Requirements. University of North Carolina School Law Bulletin. Fall 2004.[56] Fisher BL. Doctors Denying Vaccine Risks: An American Tragedy. NVIC Vaccine E-News. April 21, 2011.[57] Health Advocacy in the Public Interest (HAPI). Under Attack in Colorado: Religious & Personal Exemptions to Mandatory Vaccinations. July 27, 2011.[58] AAP. State Government Affairs: State Legislation Report 2010. Childhood Immunization Challenges.[59] Gilbert K. California mulls giving 12-year olds STD vaccine Gardasil without parental consent. LifeSiteNews.com. Aug. 12, 2011.[60] See References #14 & 15.[61] Moyer CS. CDC stresses need for flu shot every year. American Medical News. June 14, 2011.[62] Fisher BL. Forcing Flu Shots on Health Care Workers: Who Is Next? NVIC Vaccine E-News. Sept. 29, 2011. Also see Reference #45.[63] Jefferson T. Relation of study quality, concordance, take home message, funding, and impact in studies of influenza vaccines: systematic review.BMJ 2009; 338:b354.[64] Kotz D. Flexible approach to vaccination comes under fire. U.S. News. Dec. 29, 2008.[65] Orange County Register. CORRECTION re: August 4, 2008 article “Dr. Paul Offit Responds.” April 18, 2011.[66] See Reference #56.[67] Boyle CA, Boulet S et al. Trends in the Prevalence of Developmental Disabilities in US Children 1997-2000. Pediatrics. Published online May 23, 2011[68] CDC. Asthma in the U.S.: Growing Every Year[69] Mozes A. Nearly 1 in 10 U.S. Kids Diagnosed with ADHD. HealthDay News. Aug. 18, 2011.[70] CDC. How Many Children Have Autism? (2006).[71] Ostrow N. Autism Leads Rise of Developmental Disabilities. Bloomberg News. May 23, 2011.[72] CDC. National Diabetes Fact Sheet - U.S. 2003.[73] Landau E. Why are food allergies on the rise? CNN. Aug. 3, 2010.[74] Vozella L. Inflammatory bowel disease in kids is on a mysterious rise. Herald Review. Sept. 21, 2010.[75] Carey B. Bi-polar disease cases rise sharply in U.S. children. New York Times. Sept. 3, 2007.[76] MacDorman MF, Mathews TJ. Behind International Rankings of Infant Mortality: How the U.S. Compares with Europe. NCHS. 2009.[77] See Reference #6.[78] NIH. Clinicaltrials.gov. Vaccine Clinical Trials. Accessed Aug. 23, 2011.[79] Petrovsky N. BioPharm International. New Age Adjuvants: Friend or Foe? Aug. 2, 2007.[80] DeYoung R. DNA Vaccines. Nvate.com. Aug. 18, 2011.[81] DNAVaccine.com. GeoVax Announces Expansion of Phase 2A Human HIV/AIDS Vaccine Trial. Dec. 6, 2010.[82] Stephens A. Could this vaccine end tooth decay? The Daily Mail (UK). Aug. 18, 2011.[83] Kim J. Acne Vaccines: Therapeutic Option for the Treatment of Acne vulgaris? Journal of Investigative Dermatology 2008; 128: 2353-2354.[84] Musgrove M. Nabi makes deal for smoking vaccine. Washington Post. Nov. 17, 2009.[85] Sample I. Vaccine could offer protection against high blood pressure. The Guardian. Mar. 7, 2008.[86] Valigra L. Genocea’s $35M VC round pushing herpes vaccine torward clinic. Masshightech.com. Jan. 5, 2011.[87] UroToday Promising Target Identified for Gonorrhea Vaccine. July 20, 2005.[88] Bowdler N. Monkey HIV vaccines ‘effective,’ say researchers. BBC News. May 11, 2011.
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